Teaching at the Kharkiv School of Architecture
Fulco Treffers is involved as a tutor in studio design projects in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
In 2021 the 3rd year bachelor students were given intensive introduction in urban design in the context of a typical post-soviet city, Severodonetsk.
Assisted by Natalya Kozub.
In 2022 the 1st year bachelor students are working on the topice of ‘housing’. What means home? What is a place to reload? To feel free? Safe?
With Kateryna Herasechkina and Tetiana Lynnyk.
Fulco Treffers is also Head of MA at KhSA.
More information about the Kharkiv School of Architecture can be found here.
Period: From 2021
For: Kharkiv School of Architecture, Ukraine